It seems every day there is an emerging technology entering our world, but multiple surveys have shown differing public perceptions towards these. UK consumers are excited by biometric technologies, the arrival of 5G & wearable tech, but fearful of driverless cars & artificial intelligence.
Biometrics (32%), 5G (31%) and wearable technology (28%) received the highest proportions of people saying they are excited about these advances. Conversely, driverless cars attracted the most concern from UK adults with over two fifths (43%) of respondents worried about the problems that may arise from driverless vehicles. The next most worrisome technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI) with 24% fearful of this technology and in particular how it could impact on jobs. Along with these technologies and other significant trends like IoT and Big Data it is important manufacturers and developers make customers and consumers aware of what the terms mean and how they can improve day to day lives and actually be a force for good.
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We are all well aware these days of Smart Technology and the role it plays in our day to day lives. One area where its application has started to grow (no pun intended!) is in the garden.
Previously blissfully remote from any electronics, the use of Smart Technology is now finding its way into the home garden. Having been widely used in many forms in commercial agriculture and horticulture applications, ‘Agri Tech’ is now migrating at some pace to consumer products for the home gardener. High street and on-line retailers are now offering a range of gadgets and smart tech to make your garden more productive and easier to care for. Everything from Smart Lawnmowers to plant and soil monitors, smart lighting and weather stations. We just need a smart device to remove the weeds and we can all sit back and relax! After an extended period of uncertainty it seems there's finally some light at the end of the tunnel for MLCCs as they slowly become more readily available. While pricing may not be reducing just yet, there are at least signs that it is stabilising. And while some manufacturers still have long and extended lead-times – in some cases in excess of 40 weeks – fewer now appear to have formal allocation in place. The improvement in availability has also come sooner than many had anticipated, with many sources originally citing improvements from 2020 onwards. MLCC pricing is not increasing at the rate seen over the past 12 months, but it must be noted that pricing is not looking like it will return to its pre-allocation levels at this stage.There has been a notable increase in the take up of security device IC’s for medical disposals from manufacturers such as Maxim Integrated. To ensure patient safety, health care workers must process, sterilize, and operate many consumable and disposable medical products under carefully controlled conditions. By designing authentication and security features into medical devices, manufacturers and health care centres can help ensure that these limited-use medical products cannot be reused or used too many times, and that counterfeits can be effectively and efficiently detected and removed from the supply chain. |
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